This celebrity who has serious legal troubles on multiple fronts is now taking heavy doses of mirtazapine to sleep and clonazepam while he’s not.

You might say, “Who cares?” and you’d be right about most people.

But most people aren’t vehemently anti-psychiatry/big pharma like he is.

Danny Masterson – Scientologist


Scientologists do use prescribed medical drugs when physically ill and also rely on the advice and treatment of medical doctors. Scientologists do not take street drugs or mind-altering psychotropic drugs.

They consider drugs cause extremely damaging effects on a person—physically, mentally and spiritually. Specifically, that drugs decrease awareness and hinder abilities. They are a “solution” to some other problem, but ultimately prove an even bigger problem.

Mr. Hubbard developed an entire body of technology to enable individuals to recover from the harmful mental and spiritual effects of drugs, including the Purification Rundown. His discoveries in this field are also widely used in the secular world, particularly in the international network of Narconon drug rehabilitation centers. – Source

Scientology’s War on Medicine

Scientology is famously anti-psychiatry, teaching its believers that psychiatry is not only bogus, but downright evil, and in its place promotes a variety of unscientific and pseudoscientific practices. However, Scientology’s war on medicine goes beyond just psychiatry.

Scientology has openly declared war on psychiatry and is ambivalent if not openly hostile towards the rest of medicine. Its “mind over matter” philosophy promises that attaining the “Clear” state will eliminate illness.

Recently there has been a spate of exposés of Scientology, ably reviewed by Jim Lippard on eSkeptic. They offer some shocking revelations. Defectors from Scientology have described kidnappings, deliberate lying, unnecessary deaths, human trafficking, thought control (“brainwashing”), coercion, violations of labor standards, violations of human and civil rights, and other crimes. Scientology has been protected from prosecution by its designation as a religion and its vast wealth and influence; but if even a fraction of these accusations are true, Scientology has much to answer for.

Initially people are attracted to Scientology because it provides answers. Your problems are due to past experiences holding you back. Scientology can help you deal with those problems and the upper levels will reveal the secret of life itself. – Source

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