Speaking of bad behavior, this back in the day A++ list celebrity who has a name that will always be known turned spokesperson/producer told a waitress who wanted a picture with her after dinner, that the request violated some kind of waitress/patron code.


She refused to pose with the waitress and then told the waitress as a favor, she wouldn’t be reporting her to the boss of the waitress.

Monica Lewinsky

Monica Lewinsky: I’m happy people are making amends for their treatment of women

Monica Lewinsky is pleased to see people apologising for the way women like Britney Spears were treated in the past.

The 47-year-old activist and television personality has admitted she relates to the ‘Toxic’ hitmaker because they were both treated negatively by the public in the past due to the way they were perceived in the spotlight.

But Monica has said her own situation – which saw her slammed for having an affair with former American President Bill Clinton between 1995 and 1996 while she worked as a White House intern, which ultimately led to Clinton’s impeachment – is very different from Britney’s because she “made a mistake”, whereas Britney didn’t.

Despite their differences, the ‘Impeachment: American Crime Story’ producer is still pleased to see people apologising for the way women like herself and Britney have been treated.

She said: “I think it’s long overdue and wonderful to see it happening for different women in different arenas and scenarios. I made a mistake. Britney didn’t. There were other young women this happened to, and there’s an enormous amount of collateral damage.

“So I think it’s not just an apology to a person; it’s an apology to how you’ve affected a culture. What is sexual agency? What does it mean? It’s not surprising that this de-objectifying of women is happening alongside the #MeToo movement. They braid together in a way that makes sense.” – Source

Monica Lewinsky: ‘I wanted a job, a husband, kids. I wanted to be treated normally’

“This is surreal,” Monica Lewinsky keeps saying. She is trying to make her way to her seat in a crowded room where everyone wants her attention. It is a hot summer night in New York, in a blip of a pandemic reprieve before the Delta variant hits, and the city’s vaccinated elite are practically vibrating with energy. Nobody has been to a party like this in a long time.

The occasion is a July screening and reception to promote Impeachment, the latest instalment of Ryan Murphy’s American Crime Story anthology series, which revisits the events leading up to the impeachment of President Bill Clinton through the perspectives of the women involved.

Lewinsky is a big part of that story, of course. So are Linda Tripp, the friend who exposed her affair with the American president; Paula Jones, who had accused him of sexual harassment; and, to a lesser extent, Hillary Clinton. But Lewinsky is the only one who is a producer on the show.

Lewinsky, who is now 48, skipped the screening portion of the evening – no need to rewatch the most humiliating period of her life with a roomful of strangers, she jokes – and instead had a video session with her therapist. But she has agreed to attend the reception afterwards. It takes place in the old Four Seasons restaurant, once a nexus of Manhattan’s famous and powerful, some of whom have returned to their old haunt for the event. – Source

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