This “businessman” thinks he will finally hit it big time thanks to a massive judgement.


The government isn’t going to let him play, and all this news is just bringing to light his sketchy past including what has been called a Ponzi scheme.

Elon Musk

Elon Musk’s SpaceX beats Bezos’ Blue Origin in NASA contest to build astronaut lunar lander

Elon Musk’s SpaceX beat out teams led by Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin and Leidos subsidiary Dynetics to win a NASA contract to build its next crewed lunar lander.

SpaceX’s contract is worth $2.89 billion.

For NASA’s Human Landing Systems program, Musk’s company bid a variation of its Starship rocket, prototypes of which SpaceX has been testing

Elon Musk’s SpaceX beat out teams led by Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin and Leidos subsidiary Dynetics to win a nearly $3 billion contract to build NASA’s next crewed lunar lander.

“It is one more step, in an exciting group of steps, that will get us to a sustainable human landing system to the moon,” Kathy Lueders, the leader of NASA’s human spaceflight program, said in the agency’s announcement. – Source

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