I know a reporter won’t ever ask the A+/A list assaulter/shadow Scientologist why he is on record making fun of other people for alopecia, but maybe when his actress wife sits everyone down around the red table for a good fake cry while she texts her latest boy toy, it can be mentioned.

Will Smith

Jada Pinkett Smith

In 1991 Will Smith Was Caught Making Fun of a Bald Celebrity

WWill Smith slapping Chris Rock for a joke made about his wife was more than enough to make the biggest scene in the history of television. The cherry on top is Will Smith actually being awarded an Oscar 20 minutes after the incident as if nothing had happened. Chris Rock played it very well after being slapped in a professional manner.

The question that many asked is if Rock’s joke was a bit too much or was Smith’s poor sense of humor was the cause and poor choice of action in the wrong? Who was in the wrong? Well maybe both of them, but a video that has been discovered on the internet from an old show that Will Smith attended shows his hypocrisy to the world.

In the clip, Will can be heard saying: ‘Like, he has a rule, the bass player? He’s got a rule: He’s gotta wax his head every day. That’s a rule.’ (Quote by Will Smith)

In response to the audience’s awkward laughter, Will Smith says “Ah these are jokes, come on”. It is not known if Will Smith knew that John Williams was also suffering from alopecia, nevertheless, this is no excuse. Is it right for him to slap someone for making “a joke” about a medical condition when he had done it before? The only difference here is that he had his wife insulted and standing up for her was what many people considered right, but at the same time was it the best course of action? The internet is still debating. – Source

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