The Svengali who doesn’t make people have s3x in front of his investors, is the one who got the drugs for the now dead pay cable actor and wanted to put him in a conservatorship.

Sam Lutfi

Angus Cloud

New controversies have emerged surrounding Sam Lutfi, the manager of Angus Cloud, following accusations made by Angus’s former manager, Diomi Cordero. Diomi has raised concerns about Sam Lutfi’s potential involvement in Angus’s tragic death.

“Angus was being managed by Britney Spears’ ex-manager. I find it incredibly interesting and suspicious how Sam Lutfi is somehow always associated with celebrities who are dealing with mental health and/or addiction issues. She managed Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan and Courtney Love in 2007/2008 in their most dark and vulnerable times. I totally believe this man needs to be investigated. He’s involved in Angus’s death for some reasons. I’m resigned as Cloud’s talent manager in February 2022 due to “Angus’ verbal abuse, emotional distress & severe drug addiction. But I keep Angus and his family in my thoughts & prayers.”

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