3 blinds in a row

Just as I told you would happen months ago when the "singer" was free to make her own decisions, the Svengali was going to be there waiting. He isn't worried about a restraining order. He has the boyfriend in the palm of his hand. / There are at least three women that are having an affair with the significant other of a Potomac Housewife. / This former Teen Mom was recently at an amusement park and was hateful to everyone she met there. She thinks she is A+ list. Her dad was there too and he was treated even more badly then she was treating strangers.

He has been trying to worm his way

The evil Svengali always trying to get into the personal business of the A list "singer" has been trying to worm his way into the world of the foreign born former A+ list tweener.

He wanted it out in the press, but never said it himself in any kind of situation legally or publicly

There is a story that is getting traction again that was once said by this former A list singer/possible murder suspect. It involved a permanent A list "singer" being molested by her dad. The thing is though, the story the possible murder suspect told was told to her by the evil Svengali. He wanted it out in the press, but never said it himself in any kind of situation legally or publicly.