This food loving publicist is constantly sending in anonymous tips to tabloids and gossip sites about his clients and who they could be dating.

He is just way too heavy handed in his approach.

Jonathan Cheban aka Foodgod

Below article is Loooooong and Juicy! Link is at the bottom ~ Foxella

Jonathan Cheban is Actually a Terrible Person.

Have you been blocked or otherwise personally victimized by Kim Kardashians self proclaimed BFF, Jonathan Cheban? Or do you just like gossip, and love to see almost-famous pseudo celebs being messy?

IF, by some beautiful miracle, you follow the Kardashians and somehow have not seen or heard of this man before, first of all… congrats. you’ve gone far too long without being aware of his existence. He would be pissed if he knew. He is (self-proclaimed) Kim’s BEST friend. Like. Ever. Ok? And he makes sure every media outlet he’s ever done an interview with describes him as such

First thing to know about Jonathan, he fucking loves name dropping. Loves it. And he ran a celeb gossip blog for ages. We’ll get to that.

But listen I mean… not even a ton of digging was done to find this, but I found this article from fucking 2004 that really displays how celeb-obsessed he was..even back then. But be warned, this is suuuuper mild shit compared to what happens post-Kim K friendship.

Some highlights to note from the article:

He was born in early 1974 and worked at various PR firms in the late 90s/early-mid 2000s

He shares a birthday with Paris Hilton and *~*~HIS NAME~*~*(Jonathan’s emphasis, not mine) was listed first on Paris Hilton’s 20th birthday party invite. Per the article: “Mr. Cheban proudly described how he and Paris share a birthday, and when the pair turned 28 and 20, respectively, their party at Eugene was sponsored by Playboy. “I still remember how, on the invite, my name was first and Paris was second. It was ‘WITH Paris Hilton,’” Jonathan said, poking the air with his chopsticks for emphasis.”

Author’s Note: I couldn’t find any other sources that cited anyone other than Paris being celebrated with her on her 20th birthday… I mean i’m sure it happened but I woulda liked pics or something. y’all know me. but anyway

From an unnamed coworker: “I think Jonathan has an eye for people who can do something for him..”

From a celebrity nightlife regular: “He’s the king of name-dropping. It’s always ‘Jessica [Simpson] told me’ and ‘When Paris and I were down in Miami…’”

“Mr. Cheban leaned down to check his Sidekick, which was constantly flickering on and off. “It’s the best thing ever made,” he gushed. “I was the first person in the country to get it, even before Lindsay [Lohan] and Nicky [Hilton] and Nicole [Ritchie].””

“Jonathan used to wear a Rolex that he’d had custom-painted chocolate brown with diamond numerals, he now wears an Audemar. “The Rolex got a little boring,” Cheban said, shrugging. “Suddenly every random J.A.P. uptown was walking around wearing one and it was like, ‘Uh, uh!’ When everyone at [high-end restaurant] is wearing a Rolex, you know you gotta step it up, and the Audemar is definitely the next step up.””

Stops at a random diner to say hi to Mary Kate Olson, walked back out and goes, “That’s going to be written up tomorrow,” he sighed. “That was Ali she was eating with, the guy she supposedly dumped David Katzenberg for.” (Indeed, the sighting popped up the next day on”

He seems to like bragging about being rude to paparazzi: “I’ll block photographers’ shots and I’ll piss the paparazzi off,” he said. “I was in Mr. Chow’s with Mischa Barton having dinner, and a photographer came by the restaurant and started taking pictures of us eating. And I literally went up to him and threw him out of the restaurant.”

Author’s Note……..LMAO 😭 i’m sure you picked a grown ass man up and tossed him out, just like that, in front of the whole restaurant. And then everyone clapped and cheered. and then y’all had a photoshoot together. And then had a make-out sesh on the table. Ok ok Sorry I’m done nowhahahaha

He had a ton of success in his early 20s(like, literally 25) by just paying attention to the gossip and the more ‘famous for being famous’ scene before the other PR firms were paying attention. And, I’m totally sure that uhhhhhh….beingawhitemaninamostlyfemaledominatedindustryplayedaparttoo*cough*ANYWAYYYYYYYYY

Long story short, dude was born into a crazy wealthy family in NYC and grew up around famous people. “I’ve been friends with Paris and Nicky (Hilton) since they were kids,” he said in the 2004 article. So I dont know 100% when him and Kim met but, it was probably through Paris and co.

Another thing I should probably note now is his age. I’m writing this in January 2022, and he’s turning 48 years old next month.

Jonathan Cheban and Simon Huck starred in some wanna-be reality TV show on E! that was like.. a knock-off version of The Hills? but.. with grown men at a PR firm.

Which, turns out, no one wanted to watch. – Source

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