The wealthy surfer is making a play to buy the company that is harvesting the identities of the millions of people who have turned over their biometric information.

This all needs to be stopped.

Mark Zuckerman


A decade ago, DNA tests were seen as the future of medicine, promising to revolutionize healthcare by making genetic information accessible to all. 23andMe’s co-founder, Anne Wojcicki, likened their test to an innovative invention, even surpassing Elon Musk’s Tesla Roadster, as per Time magazine.

However, these tests have evolved into gene-based social networks, raising concerns about sharing such personal data.

Despite regulatory challenges, 23andMe, supported by Google and Silicon Valley investors, managed to adapt and resume providing health risk assessments to customers after gaining FDA approval for certain inherited diseases.

The company continues its mission to leverage genetic data for healthcare advancement, leading to a complex landscape of genetic information sharing in the digital age.

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