
Think this celebrity CEO has thin skin?

You would be right.

If you own one of his products and complain, he can make your life miserable through all those little back doors.

Speaking of back doors, apparently that is why he turns to the A- list actress.

The one named singer doesn’t enjoy that activity.

Elon Musk

Amber Heard


Big Baby Elon Musk Has Threatened To Quit Twitter Because Someone Asked Him To Credit An Artist

The Space X and Paypal tech titan has more money than God, and could literally spend every last waking minute he has left on Earth giving his money to charitable causes and travelling the world solving people’s problems like Moe in the epilogue of that one episode of The Simpsons.

Hell, even if he wasn’t feeling charitable, he could always just hole himself up in one of his many houses and watch Neon Genesis Evangelion on Netflix with his fellow weeb and life partner Claire Boucher, AKA Grimes.

But instead of doing either of those things, Musk has decided instead to transform into a perpetually whiny edgelord, one who spends his days causing fights on Twitter, smoking weed on Joe Rogan’s podcast, and generally just schlepping about the place like a blight on everyone’s time and attention.

As part of his most recent pivot to troll, Musk has kicked up a stink over — of all things — a fight whether he should credit a fan drawing dedicated to the video game Nier: Automata.

As soon as Musk posted the picture, which the 47-year-old presumably found while trawling 4chan or some shit, Twitter users encouraged him to properly credit the artist, to which he replied, quite simply, with ‘No’.

When pushed to elaborate, the CEO claimed that giving artists their proper dues is “destroying the medium.”

Not really clear what medium he’s talking about there, given that artists have been signing their name to their work since literally the era of cave paintings. But hey, Elon’s gotta Elon, particularly if it involves exploiting the hard labour of other human beings.- Source

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