The tragedy on this streaming channel is exactly why the alliterate former actress should not be in charge of an estate any longer.

She will approve any idea, no matter how ridiculous, as long as it lines her pockets.

Agent Elvis – Netflix

Priscilla Presley

Elvis Presley

The True Story Behind ‘Agent Elvis’
Netflix’s upcoming animated comedy series Agent Elvis depicts the King of Rock and Roll (voiced by Matthew McConaughey) as a gun-wielding, karate-kicking secret agent with a chimpanzee sidekick. Although it all sounds pretty outrageous, most elements of this premise are inspired by real events. Elvis did meet with President Richard Nixon and requested an official badge from the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. In their meeting, he told Nixon he had been studying up on the dangers of drug culture and Communism, and wanted to help his country combat these evils. Presley was also a committed karate student and instructor, rising to the level of 8th degree black belt in 1974. And he did indeed have a pet chimpanzee named Scatter who had a tendency to terrorize Elvis’ family and friends.

Elvis Asked Richard Nixon to Make Him a Federal Agent

On December 21, 1970, Elvis Presley met with President Richard Nixon in the Oval Office. Despite the fact that Elvis had a serious addiction to prescription drugs, he was intent on combating drug culture (illegal substances only, apparently) and wanted Nixon to give him a badge from the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. In his letter to the president, Elvis wrote, “I can and will do more good if I were made a Federal Agent at Large…I have done an in-depth study of drug abuse and Communist brainwashing techniques.”

Nixon agreed to meet with Presley despite initial skepticism and in their half-hour chat, they discussed their mutual disdain for 1960s counterculture. When Elvis asked about his federal agent badge, Nixon surprisingly gave one to him. The President and the King of Rock and Roll then hugged and bid each other a fond farewell.

As far as we know, Presley did not subsequently partake in any secret missions to bring down drug lords or Communist dictators a la Jack Ryan, but his meeting with Nixon was strange and memorable enough to inspire the premise of Agent Elvis.

Elvis Was a Karate Master

When Elvis was drafted into the Army in the late 1950s, he was stationed in Germany, where he met a karate instructor who first introduced the King to the martial arts. Elvis trained frequently in Germany and kept up the habit for many years. When he returned to Los Angeles in 1960, he received a black belt. He later continued his studies in Memphis, where he was elevated to the rank of 7th degree Black Belt in 1973.

Elvis Had a Pet Chimp Named Scatter

Scatter the chimpanzee was once an actor who appeared on a local Memphis TV station in a variety of roles ranging from businessman to baseball player. At some point, Scatter’s owner decided to sell Scatter to the King of Rock and Roll, apparently deciding that Graceland would be a good home for the beloved chimp. Elvis agreed and Scatter moved into the King’s mansion. – Source

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