Old Hollywood: The actress was not murdered.

Despite what a new book says, yes this permanent A+ list singer did hook up with the alliterate A+ list actress. Also, the actress was not murdered. Did she have reason to believe she could or would be murdered? Yep. Was she? Nope.

Hidden: In the past, the money was split two ways. This time it was split with another person.

In the past I have written about this permanent A list singer and his love of female teens who were not old enough to drive. Generally speaking if they were old enough to drive, he wasn't interested. Now, some may say that in the last few years of his life he did date someone old enough to drive. Did they have s.e.x though? That has always been a question in my mind. The girlfriend at the time was desperate to have a child with him and to marry him.

The most outrageous secret is the existence of a baby.

As you know the B- singer/celeb spawn of a permanent A++ is going through a nightmare, personally and financially. Her most recent ex  has a lot of dirt on her as her ex group  does (you know, the same group she was taking down behind the scene with her B- actress friend). The most outrageous secret is the existence of a baby she had before she married her ex.

It Almost Happened

Shortly before the death of this permanent A++ lister, he had been in discussions for two things. One, was to buy his own pharmacy so he wouldn't have any issues getting all the drugs he wanted. The other thing that was on his mind was an exhibition. The A++ lister was going to compete in a karate vs wrestling contest against one of the greatest wrestlers alive.