Our actor was A list.

He was a crazy party animal who did a lot of drugs and died because of drugs.

Everyone knows about his drug use, but his s3xual habits are just now coming to light.

He was recently mentioned in a recent scandalous documentary, where a valet revealed that he was into his blood being drawn during s3x and transgender pr0stitutes. He was also friends with this A list singer/musician from the same hometown as the actor, and they would regularly have threesomes with pr0stitutes and/or groupies he would pick up.

To make things more strange, every so often, that crazy writer/author/movie subject would join them on their s3x journeys.

John Belushi

documentary: Secrets of Playboy
Stefan Tetenbaum

A list singer/musician: Warren Zevon, Chicago, IL

crazy writer/author: Hunter S. Thompson

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