
This famous and funny actor has starred in many movies.

He’s in big trouble.

Legal trouble, centered around a past relationship.

Why is all this happening?

Could it be due to a mental illness?

He has meds but he goes off them because he thinks it dulls him. He doesn’t feel sharp, he doesn’t feel creative.

Unfortunately, when he does that [goes off the meds] and he doesn’t see his doctor, he’s freaking CRAZY.

I know it’s not a PC word, but that’s exactly what he is.

He is funny and charming for two minutes, then he gets nasty and manipulative.

It’s uncomfortable because it happens so fast and he does it with a smile on his face so at first you think he might be kidding.

When you finally figure out that he means whatever nasty thing he is saying, it gets very scary, and it’s like,

“Holy shit, this guy’s a psycho” and you start looking for the exits because you’re afraid something really bad is going to happen.

We don’t know if he is mentally ill or not, but that possibility presents an interesting dilemma.

If he does go to trial, will he try to hide the fact that he’s mentally ill so that his professional life isn’t impacted?

Or will he declare that he is mentally ill so that he can use it as a defense?

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Jim Carrey


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