This is about two married celebrity couples.

All four people are celebrities, have big egos, and are constantly in the news.

Each of the couples has a pre-school child.

Second Couple has been pushing First Couple to get the two kids together for a play date for years.

To Second Couple, it would be the ultimate photo op… as well as the ultimate validation of their own celebrity status.

Second Couple Wife could hold her breath until she turns blue, but this play date is NEVER going to happen.

She knows it, too, but has processed that realization in an rather interesting manner.

She seems to be in denial about the fact that [First Couple] thinks she’s trash.

She thinks that [First Couple] is jealous! She says that the real reason there hasn’t been a play date is because her child is so much prettier than [Second Couple’s] child.

“They don’t want people to see photos of the two kids together because then it would be obvious that their kid is unfortunate looking.”

Beyonce, Jay Z
Kim Kardashian, Kanye West


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