This business networking site keeps its head in the sand about what kind of hookups are going on between its members, it just likes all the extra fees from signups.


LinkedIn is emerging as a surprising new platform for dating, according to Dustin Kidd, a sociology professor at Temple University. This trend is part of a long history of “dating hacks,” where people use social media and other online platforms not originally intended for dating to find romantic partners. Platforms like Friendster, Myspace, and even fitness-tracking sites like Strava have been utilized for this purpose, primarily due to their direct messaging features.

The professional nature of LinkedIn, with its focus on employment and career, offers a layer of credibility not found on other social media platforms. Users link to their current and former employers, and many profiles include references from colleagues and managers. This additional information provides a sense of authenticity and reliability that is attractive to those looking for more serious or genuine connections.

This trend also reflects a growing dissatisfaction with traditional dating apps. A 2023 Pew survey highlighted the challenges faced by users of these apps, such as women feeling overwhelmed by the volume of messages and men feeling insecure about the lack of messages. Deceptions like outdated photos or exaggerated profiles, and the more serious issue of “catfishing,” contribute to this dissatisfaction.

Therefore, LinkedIn is being viewed as a platform that offers a level of control and quality in potential romantic prospects that is hard to find on dedicated dating apps. This shift indicates a desire for more meaningful connections and authentic interactions in the digital dating landscape.

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