The young Grammy winning/nominated singer-songwriter just made a comeback and has a big day in court this week. It isn’t the usual deliberating of writing credits.

She’s pursuing a multi-count criminal complaint against a longtime stalker.

Among many other things, the creep followed her around the world during her headlining concert tour last year, showing up at and in some cases even sleeping outside her hotels. Countless videos online show the screwball getting way too close for comfort, staring her down, lunging at her for autographs, being shoved away by her security after blocking the door of a car she’s trying to enter.

It’s unclear what his motive is, and that might be the scariest part.

It’s reached a point where many of her fans know who he is by name and have expressed growing concern for her well being in public.

There was even an incident outside a coffee shop at the end of last summer when his actions resulted in a member of the starlet’s security team sending him away in an ambulance.

Well, it’s escalated quite a bit beyond that since the beginning of the year and it appears that it’s finally time to put an end to it.

Olivia Rodrigo

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