Speaking of extras, this former A++ lister and his wife have come to an understanding about his mistress.

This is probably not your first guess.

Donald Trump

Melania Trump

Kari Lake

Unafraid review: Kari Lake as election denier, birther … and Trump VP?

Excess Covid deaths, vaccine hesitancy and firearms homicides are hallmarks of Trump-aligned states. Arizona, West Virginia and Mississippi, in that order, led the US in per-capita Covid mortality. Collectively, they give new meaning to “pro-life”.

Enter Kari Lake, a Trump acolyte and failed 2022 Republican gubernatorial candidate in Arizona. According to reports, she too has made Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s Florida resort, her winter home away from home, appearing there more often than Melania, and “practically liv[ing] in a suite”.

Unafraid is a grievance-packed audition in Lake’s tireless quest to be named Trump’s running mate in 2024. He wrote the book’s foreword. Donald Jr is her publisher.

The most Mark Meadows – Trump’s fourth and final chief of staff – got for his memoir, The Chief’s Chief, was a blurb. “We will have a big future together,” Trump squealed on the cover. In didn’t quite work out that way.

Meadows wrote that Trump tested positive for Covid several days before the first 2020 debate. In return for such treachery, Trump called Meadows “fucking stupid” and falsely claimed that The Chief’s Chief “confirmed” he “did not have Covid before or during the debate”.

Meadows has since testified to a DC grand jury in the special counsel investigation of Trump’s election subversion and retention of classified records. Revenge is best served cold.

Like her idol, Lake is simultaneously embittered and energized by the electorate’s rejection. The pair occupy the same wavelength. Reality is an inconvenience.

“What happened to Kari Lake on 8 November 2022 is one of the most egregious cases of ‘highway robbery’ in any state’s history,” Trump thunders on the page. “Kari Lake’s story does not end in defeat, because she is just getting started!” – Source

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