A few months ago, the long time partner of this celebrity/former political appointee passed away.

Because of the ownership interests they shared, even after splitting a couple of years ago, there is a good chance the celebrity/former appointee will be pushed the rest of the way out of the closet.

Randy Bean
August 7, 1948 – September 17, 2020
Randy Bean, celebrated broadcast journalist and film producer, died suddenly on September 17th, 2020 in her home in Loveland, Colo. She is remembered for her passion for politics, sports, dogs, and culture, as well as her impressive and pioneering journalism career.

Condoleezza Rice
American diplomat, political scientist, civil servant, and professor who is the current director of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

“I’m Straight,” Says Condi Gal Pal – 2007

Tongues were wagging last month when we biographer Glenn Kessler revealed Condoleezza Rice and “best-friend” Randy Bean own a mutual home. Now that the dust’s settled, Bean’s come out of the straight closet.

In an interview with Radar, the “radical liberal” filmmaker says:

Condi and I have been friends for 25 years. We co-own an investment property in Palo Alto. We do not share a home.

The insult to my integrity is not that I’m gay but that I’m closeted. For the record, I’m straight. Anyone who knows me knows how strongly connected I am to my values and political beliefs. If I were gay, I’d be out, loud, and proud.

Bean also says queer speculations are “rumor-mongering at its least imaginative.” – Source

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