The label rep of this foreign born A- list singer is planning an intervention to stop the self-destructive partying which has gotten so out of hand that the singer has been in breach of contract for months.

He was supposed to release a new album by the end of this year but he’s been skipping recording studio sessions and showing up hungover to the ones he does make it to. The label doesn’t want to pursue legal action but he’s cost them several thousand dollars just in lost studio time.

He’s reportedly struggling to find passion in his sound and brand image and is searching for a new publicist.

Shawn Mendes

Shawn Mendes, the 25-year-old “Mercy” singer, recently displayed his newly grown-out facial hair during an outing in Los Angeles. Wearing an oversized white T-shirt, light-wash blue jeans, and brown sandals, Mendes unveiled a distinctive new look.

Prior to this appearance, he was photographed in Ibiza, Spain, for a summer getaway, indicating a period of self-discovery and growth.

According to an insider, Mendes is still exploring and developing personally, with the source emphasizing his need for personal time to find happiness.

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