Speaking of long time confirmations, The Church and their leaders are about to be exposed because one of the shell companies they created lent out private jets to this mogul/rapper used to move people and drugs.

The Trinity Church

Sean Combs (Diddy)


Mark Driscoll
Senior Pastor

Grace Driscoll
Women’s Ministry

Trinity Church is a megachurch located in Scottsdale, Arizona, and its association with Mark Driscoll is marked by controversy. Mark Driscoll is a pastor and author who gained prominence as the founding pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Washington. However, Mars Hill Church faced significant controversies, including allegations of abusive leadership and financial mismanagement.

After leaving Mars Hill Church, Mark Driscoll later resurfaced at Trinity Church in Arizona. His leadership at Trinity Church has been met with criticism and skepticism, with some former Mars Hill members expressing concerns about his leadership style and the impact of the controversies from his time at Mars Hill.

The story involves questions about accountability, transparency, and the impact of past controversies on Mark Driscoll’s current ministry at Trinity Church. The dynamics surrounding Driscoll and Trinity Church continue to be a subject of discussion within the broader Christian community.

Related past items

2017 – One thing upfront. The church I am referring to is not Scientology. This is a church that was founded just a couple of years ago in northern Arizona. Why this particular location? It is remote for sure, which helps. They learned in the past that it helps to be remote. They also learned in the past that it helps if they can attach themselves to another established church or religion. They got that in this northern Arizona town too. What they also got though are three things they treasure most of all. Number one was the built in security from the other very secretive religion in the area throughout the town, which was very open to the idea when they saw the very large check. Number two they had the ability to integrate hundreds of children into a community that seemingly has nothing but endless supplies of children. Finally, they were coming to a community where no one looks down on anyone who has sex with teens and tweens.

The people who founded the church like to say it is their version of the Trinity. A pretty sick one. Originally when they tried to do this in the northern part of the country, it didn’t work out very well. There were too many competing interests. You had one group of people who were trafficking kids, but another group who was interested in trafficking women for prostitution. You also had a group who was trying to do good and everything intersected and it was a horrible mess.

They learned their lessons and waited until everything was in place. The church is a non profit and their biggest donor is a shell company which is part of another shell company which is owned by the same A+ list mogul we have seen time and time again in all of these stories. This is where things get a little interesting. Because of the racial makeup in the community, and wanting to make sure everyone blends in, they had to get the tweens and teens from Europe. Specifically they found some orphanages in Eastern Europe. How did they get them all into the country? Well, every church needs religious workers. The church hired twenty “pastors” and got them in as special immigrant religious workers. Each of these “pastors” had between four and six children they brought in with them, and of course their wives, many of whom had their own children too. Of course, none of these pastors or wives really have any kids they brought, but almost overnight, what these people have created is a fully functioning, safe from prying eyes place where these kids are being abused. Apparently, much like their protectors, they want to ensure a never ending supply, by having the teens get pregnant as often as possible.

You might wonder what all of this has in connection to Hollywood. Well, first of all, the financing of course all comes from our A+ list mogul. There is one very important other thing. Have you wondered why every male celebrity over the past couple of years goes to a rehab facility in Arizona, but you never see any photos of the rehab facility or them in the rehab facility? Have you wondered why no female celebrity has ever gone to this facility? Have you ever wondered why the men who go to this facility seemingly always stay longer than a normal 30 day rehab and often seem to go back every few months for followup treatment? Have you ever wondered why all of these male celebrities seem to be the ones with the longest histories of sexual indiscretions? When they don’t mention Arizona, they will say an undisclosed location. Well, apparently all these guys like going to the same location and the flow never stops. It is not just celebrities, there has been a surge of high paid executives and others that have suddenly decided this rehab place is the one that they need to go to.

They have figured out a way for them to go to “rehab,” and get “better,” so the world will forgive them and let them get back to making a lot of money.

2019 – While doing some research for an upcoming podcast episode, I had the chance to talk to someone who recently fled from this very well known cult. The person who fled is an offspring of someone I am going to call the Liaison. The Liaison acts as the middleman between the cult and The Church. In the past, I have written extensively about some of the human trafficking The Church does and how it goes about it. The problem they have encountered with their process is the sheer volume of people which need to be paid off or made aware of at least one part of the operation. Because there is a finite supply of people, they are always looking to enter new markets which requires installing an entire infrastructure of people on the payroll from the finders to workers in government offices. Also, no matter where they extended, they were always saying no to their most requested type – blonde hair and blue eyes.

From days gone by and old books and movies, everyone has heard of the white slave trade. Don’t send your daughters overseas or they will be kidnapped and sold on the white slave market. Mostly a myth, it is still a big request. Previously, The Church used primarily Eastern Europeans in this role. The problem is, none of them were there voluntarily and spent most of their time trying to escape and were only compliant to their owners through drugs or beatings. Not exactly the type of relationship most of the owners were envisioning. They wanted submissive compliant teens to young adults who would spend more time pleasing and less time trying to escape or being beaten.

Because of the location of their Headquarters, The Church has always semi-shared security with this cult. It made sense and both sides agreed the more area controlled, the less chance of outsiders interfering. The cult has been hurting financially the past few years and needed a new revenue stream. They approached The Church about some smuggling and that eventually led to human trafficking. The cult had a product that was high grade, with worldwide demand. A seemingly endless supply of blonde hair blue eyed female teens and young adults. They also solved another problem, because they are complaint and submissive ad will do what they are ordered to do.

It was about this same time that suddenly the leader of the cult changed the rules. No longer would there be any new marriages which would take prospective dollars away from the cult. Now, there would be more teens and young adults available to traffic. The only question was how to get them to where they needed to be. Well, the easy part were passports because, unlike kidnapped children, no one needed to be bought off to get the passport. The second great thing is that the cult has compounds all over the US and the world and no one thinks twice when young women are sent to one of these compounds to repent. They also don’t expect the young women to stay in touch or be able to communicate because they are repenting. No one will go looking for them because they don’t want to disobey the cult leader. Finally, the young women are told it is a direct order of the leader, so they do what they are told and join the person who bought them, voluntarily. It is a master stroke of human trafficking and also massively profitable to the tune of low six figures per teen.

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