This actor is married and permanently A- list. All of you know who he is. He has been nominated/won multiple Academy Awards and the same goes for Emmy Awards too.

In the early days of lockdown he found a foreign born former A/A- list singer/rapper who shared his love of conspiracy and they went from emailing once or twice a week to then every day and finally about a year ago started hooking up in person.

Apparently they also went to a couple of various retreats that focused on some of their favorite theories while also allowing them to buy crystals and smoke “small batch marijuana.”

I mean, other than the wife he has, this sounds like a match.

Of course, our singer has also got herself involved in a lot of controversies which is why she is a former A/A- lister.

Woody Harrelson

Iggy Azalea

In 2012, Azalea caused controversy for her song “D.R.U.G.S”, a remix of Kendrick Lamar’s “Look Out for Detox”, having adapted one of its lyrics to “When the relay starts, I’m a runaway slave / Master”, leading her to release a letter online apologizing, stating that it was a “tacky and careless thing to say.”
In 2018, Azalea claimed that the history of racism in the United States causes its audiences to dismiss her, and claimed that she, “grew up in a situation that didn’t involve any privilege and I worked really hard”, later reiterating on U.S. race relations: “I make ‘black’ music. I don’t want people to think it’s not something I care about. I want to make music for girls in the gym.” She stated, “It’s important for music to reflect what is going on socially and for there to be those kinds of voices within the industry. But I want to be that person you can listen to for four minutes and not think about that stuff at all, and it’s important to have that too […] I’m not here to offer that commentary, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care.”

In 2021, after Azalea released the music video for her song “Iam the Stripclub”, some Twitter commentators accused her of blackfishing or “imitating a black female aesthetic”; fans defended her as simply wearing a tan and having chosen a straight black wig for the video. Azalea called the allegations “ridiculous and baseless” and said that she had worn the same Armani foundation for the past three years “in every video since ‘Sally Walker'” – Source

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