This young male performer has been raked over in the press constantly over the past couple of years for his bad behavior.

This young female performer is just starting to act like a jerk… and is feeling the backlash of doing so!

What do they have in common?

The same advisor!

He may be making a lot of money with them, but he is not giving them very good advice.

And they are getting the same advice:

Demand and Lie!

Here’s how the Demand and Lie strategy works:

You are the star. Do whatever you want and demand everything you want, no matter how ridiculous or unfair or inconvenient. Then, when something goes wrong, completely deny accountability.


Say that it never happened.

Say that someone else is to blame.

Say that it’s the media’s fault for portraying you badly.

Talk about what a good person you really are.

In the past week, you have seen her use this strategy not just once, but twice!

Despite her protests, she IS the girl in the photos.

Yes, she lied.

Despite her protests, she IS the one making obnoxious demands in interviews.

Yes, she lied.

Doesn’t she see how badly this strategy worked out with the male performer?

She is on track to be him in a couple of years.

Male Performer: Justin Bieber
Female Performer: Ariana Grande
Advisor: Scooter Braun


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