This musician’s family has talked to two separate doctors in the past week about getting a psychiatric hold on him!

A 5150 hold (see below) can only be put on someone if they are a threat to themselves or others.

Remember Amanda Bynes?

Despite months of very bizarre behavior, her parents could not obtain a 5150 hold on her until she soaked her dog in gasoline and set a fire on a stranger’s driveway.

After they got the 5150, the parents were able to get themselves appointed her conservators and take control of her treatment and her finances.

Unless our musician threatens to harm or actually physically harm himself or others, his family can’t legally force him into treatment for his mental illness, nor can they take control of his finances.

In public, they will pretend that everything is fine.

However, behind the scenes, they are taking several steps.

They are safeguarding their finances and keeping it firmly under their control.

To ensure the safety of the child/ren, they will make sure that he is never left alone with them.

And to ensure their own brand’s survival, they will put out lots of distracting stories about themselves, their projects, their houses, and their kids.

BG Note: California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 5150 authorizes a qualified officer or clinician to involuntarily confine a person suspected to have a mental disorder that makes him or her a danger to himself or herself, a danger to others, and/or gravely disabled.

The person can only be held for 72 hours for evaluation, after which time the hold is extended or terminated.

Kanye West

The Kardashians


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