
This foreign born superhero is sweating bullets that two of his exes are going to spill what they know about his sex life.

He needs the superhero gig.

He should also be worried about this A- list mostly movie actor from an acting family who wants to be a superhero and is talking smack about him behind the scenes because the A- lister thinks the superhero is the easiest to replace.

Henry Cavill – Superman

James Franco

Ranking James Franco’s Best Backhanded Comments About Henry Cavill, Spider-Man, Etc. in His Dishy Man of Steel Review

James Franco has given the world many, many things: Freaks and Geeks; James Dean; art that doesn’t make sense to us but is classified as art nonetheless; a corn-rowed gangster who covers Britney Spears ballads on an outdoor piano; one aggressively unenthusiastic Oscar-hosting performance; a Nicolas Cage ghost story; a serial-killer soap-opera arc; and enough meta multi-media projects that, a century from now, they will still baffle people trying to categorize his career.

Yesterday, Vice posted Franco’s latest gift to the world—a deliciously meandering review of Man of Steel that offers both insights into the inner workings of the writer’s psyche and some amazingly catty sound bites about the movie and its star, Henry Cavill. Although they may not have been written maliciously, they read as such brilliantly backhanded observations

On how the high point of Henry Cavill’s life has now passed him:

“The night of the premiere I saw Henry from afar on the red carpet and knew this was the moment his whole life had been building toward.”

On Henry Cavill’s aspirations:

“What Henry took seriously back then was Superman. He wanted to be Superman more than anything in the world. Personally, I’m not sure why.” – Source

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