The Upfronts bring together network executives, advertisers, and TV stars to introduce network lineups and to sell advertising for the upcoming television season.

This very famous dark-haired female star, who is the principal on a cable reality TV show, was there this year.

Definitely not the first time for her.

However, according to one ad rep, interest in her and her show was definitely different.

It was different from previous years.

She was dressed like a hook*r (as usual) but she didn’t get the same amount of attention like I’ve seen in the past.

There used to be a line of people wanting to get their photos taken with her.

This year, nobody really seemed to care.

A publicist (I think) actually approached a bunch of us and was practically begging us to come over and get a picture taken with her.

She was trying to make it sound all exciting and special.

“I know you gentleman would just LOVE to have your photo taken with [TV Star]!”

All of us kind of shrugged and said “No thanks.”

The publicist looked a little stressed out about all the rejection.

Kim Kardashian


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