Old Hollywood Blind Item:

Back in her heyday, this comedic actress was A-list and then suddenly quit at the top of her game, mainly because her married lover (one of the richest men in America the time) and financial backer butted too many heads with Hollywood’s movie moguls.

The following incident happened when the star was at the height of her popularity.

One day, her lover decided that their living situation should be taken one step further.

He and his mistress went to Tijuana to get -543m,a divorce from his long suffering wife and get hitched right there on the spot.

The actress didn’t know it at the time but she was also pregnant with his child.

The wife didn’t take the news of their divorce so well, she became a virtual recluse.

Amazingly, this never leaked to the press for obvious reasons.

Marion Davies, William Randolf Hearst
Their daughter , Patricia, was raised as Marion Davies’ niece
(When after 7 years Penny Singleton left the radio sitcom “Blondie” in the mid-1940s, Lake replaced her as the voice of Blondie Bumstead for the remaining five years of the show, opposite her real-life husband Arthur Lake, who played Blondie’s spouse, Dagwood)

Source: http://www.crazydaysandnights.net

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