This actor and actress worked on a project together.

He was married at the time.

Then he separated from his wife.

Much later, the actor and actress worked on a second project together, and, by some miracle, fell in love.

Ha ha ha.

That story is a complete lie!

[The actor and actress] had an affair while working together on the FIRST project.

I know.

I was there.

It was an unbelievably hot mess, with the wife trying to keep her marriage together and yelling at [the actress] to back off and leave her husband alone.

[The actress] couldn’t care less about destroying the marriage.

She wanted the actor.

[The actress] eventually won and the wife reluctantly filed for divorce.

However, the actor didn’t want to look like the sleaze that he is.

And the actress didn’t want to look like the maneater that she is.

So they simply lied to everyone about the time frame and pretended that their relationship began long after the actor was separated.

We are not even sure that the actor’s divorce is final yet… but that’s not stopping our maneating actress from moving the relationship forward!

She is already engaged to and pregnant by the actor.

Perhaps she could pay off the ex-wife to hurry those pesky divorce papers along?

Then our couple could pretend that they started dating, fell in love, got engaged, married, and had a baby… all in less than a year!

Thomas Sadoski
Amanda Seyfried


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