Young people of Hollywood: Resume your freak out!

You may be aware that a celebrity is concerned that his cell phone was seized by police. He knows that there are photos and film clips of him on there in various states of undress and doing various drugs. However, there is a much bigger story behind the cell phone that only we know about! The bigger story is about who else is on the cell phone! For the past two days, half of young Hollywood has been freaking the fuck out about the seizure. Why? Because many of them were snapped and filmed while they were in various states of undress and while they were drinking and doing drugs (pot, coke, pills).

Try to date straight boys! They might actually like you!

This very famous blonde looked absolutely beautiful at the Golden Globes last night. She was engaging in some activity, though, that we have warned her about before. No, she wasn’t drunk. And she wasn’t doing drugs. She was on a man hunt! She found one, too. A handsome black guy. She passed by him, did a double take and kept making eyes at him.

He passes her around to his friends

This B-list singer is on the rapid decline, and a recent failed intervention has left her team scrambling for a way to not only save her, but salvage her career. The group assembled to try and intervene and get her away from her toxic boyfriend included this A-list singer, who has remained loyal through all of the bad behavior, and this C-list celebrity, and one-time BFF that went through a similar trial a few years back.

She needs rehab but refuses to go

This former CW actress who was fired from her show and doesn't work much, needs rehab but refuses to go even though this A+list celebrity/singer has offered to pay for up to a six month stay.

He was not interested in that one, and he is not interested in this one

We just got some news about this fauxmance that was set to expire two weeks from now! We told you that if things went well that the contract might be extended after the initial month. Well, it just happened! The guy’s team is discussing extending the contract for one more month. This means that, as of now, instead of ending around New Year’s, the relationship would end approximately the first week of February. Why the extension? Well, the fauxmance accomplishing its objectives. It is helping the guy stay in the headlines and is helping to sell his newest project. The girl is also benefiting from the arrangement. To her credit, she has been easy for him to get along with, and has been a real pro in playing it coy but still cooperating in all of those public-but-pretending-to-be-private meet ups. Not a huge surprise given that she comes from a family that knows how to work the publicity machine.

She says he is good looking and rich

This B list model who got some serious flack very recently for saying what everyone thinks was on the hunt for a woman for a threesome this weekend. Her boyfriend told her he would dump her if she didn't find someone. When asked why she put up with it she says he is good looking and rich.

It was all incredibly juvenile but was the best part of the whole night

American Music Awards: Apparently there was a little mini-catfight last night backstage. This A+ list celebrity/singer made a comment about a celebrity ex to this wannabe celebrity/reality star and the wannabe celebrity made a comment about the A lister being a prude and that the A lister should learn to suck cock. It was all incredibly juvenile but was the best part of the whole night.

She is buying a house despite the fact that he lives there!

When celebrities buy real estate in a city in which their ex lives, it’s easy to speculate whether or not they are trying to rekindle their romance. Well, this very famous musical celebrity is not buying a house in a major city because her celebrity ex lives there. In fact, she is buying a house despite the fact that he lives there! The house is strictly for business reasons. So fans on both sides should stop stirring up trouble! She doesn’t love him and she doesn’t hate him. He doesn’t love her and he doesn’t hate her. The relationship wasn’t even a real love story to begin with! It was just for publicity.

THAT is how you build a loyal fan base!

Love or hate this young pop star, you have to give her props for consistently treating her fans well. A few nights ago, she went out to the theater in Los Angeles. There were the usual crowds of people swarming about, many yelling her name and trying to get her attention, and she was surrounded by huge bodyguards. One teen boy called out to her, "My little sister loves you!" For some reason, that remark caught the singer’s attention, and she turned around and walked back to the the young man, motioning to her bodyguards to let him through. "Well, where is she?" asked the star.

They have been living in separate houses the past two weeks

This former A+ list celebrity/singer who is now a B+ because she just isn't front page any longer had heard tabloid rumors that her still A list celebrity/singer husband was hooking up with an A+ list celebrity/singer. Well, it turns out he wasn't but she did find out about the backup singer he is hooking up with and they have been living in separate houses the past two weeks.

We don’t know if he’s become a better actor since then

Hearts are breaking all over the world since this cute young male performer has been seen on a few dates with this pretty girl! We want to explain to his fans (he has a lot more fans than she does) exactly what’s going on behind the scenes. Yes, it’s totally a public relations gig. Each of them gets to be seen with a famous, hot, desirable member of the opposite sex, and the press gets pics of a gorgeous young couple at the peak of their fame.

Two interesting stories about one very moody celebrity

We have two interesting stories about one very moody celebrity who was in attendance at the Video Music Awards last night. First, Moody showed little emotion whenever the cameras were on her… but she was dishing out some choice tidbits of nastiess when they weren’t! Her comments were directed specifically toward one young female Singer. While the Singer was on stage picking up an award, Moody was doing all kind of grousing.