The money is actually due to some Vegas guys

The husband of this east coast Housewife has a big loan payment due at the end of the month. This is not the kind of payment you want to miss. The crazy thing is that these not nice people are not from the east coast. Those guys won't lend money to the husband any longer. The money is actually due to some Vegas guys who were introduced to the husband through an introduction made by this west coast Housewife who is mobbed up.

She is delusional.

This east coast Housewife was telling people seated next to her a NYFW show that her store is one of the biggest buyers of clothes. Huh? She is delusional.

She had to pay for her own Christmas present

This east coast Housewife is trying really hard to make it seem like her awful significant other is a nice guy. Such a nice guy that she had to pay for her own Christmas present but then say he did. I bet he bought his girlfriend a present.

She is being cheated on

Speaking of reality stars from the same channel as #2, this NJ Housewife is being cheated on by her significant other and it is not Melissa, although, I mean come on. Lol.v