Don’t forget the root of all your fame

It is next level shove it in their faceness/let them eat cake, when this now former A- list reality star with a lucrative side gig shows off pricey bauble after pricey bauble on their social media during a pandemic and at the end of each post wants you to swipe a link so they can get even more. Don't forget the root of all your fame is because your older sibling made a se.x tape with the son of the woman she had stolen a credit card from and charged over six figures.

Rapper’s girlfriend is now hooking up with the ex of the reality star.

A new twist to the shooting tale. To recap, you had the A- list reality starĀ  with the lucrative side gig being very flirty with a rapper. The rapper went a little too far with the flirting. The rapper's girlfriend who is also a rapper got upset and was shot. Well, the rapper's girlfriend is now hooking up with the ex of the reality star. The ex with the money, not the broke one.

She is reliant on her boyfriend to make ends meet

This former BFF of the A- list former reality star with the side gig, likes people to think she is making a ton of money getting naked on her site. Nope. She is reliant on her boyfriend to make ends meet and is also the person who buys her all the expensive things she wears.

The word on the street is they eloped.

I think the bff of the reality star thinks her yacht just came in. Instead of going from yacht to yacht, she found an actor who has family money. The word on the street is they eloped. Considering the financial scandals his family is involved in and his reputation with women, I'm sure this marriage will turn out just fine.

Child support

Considering they pushed fake financials to a magazine and to a corporation, it shouldn't surprise anyone they would do the same thing so child support wouldn't have to be paid.


It won't be long before all of the friends and former friends of the A- list reality star are on por-n sites. Her forest sounding best friend has been filming content over the past month in anticipation of her own debut.

While the real stars are drowned out.

Her recent appearance in a music video was derided by nearly anyone with common sense. The issue is that the A- list reality star immediately had an entire press package ready to go to every media outlet about how she sole the show or was the best or was jaw dropping or so many other superlatives that tabloids pounce on and print, while the real stars are drowned out.