STD accusation

The question of the day is whether the STD that this A+ list rapper gave to this foreign born one named permanent A list singer, was also given to the reality star who is the mother of his child.

It is disturbing.

Despite there being half-siblings in the family, they loathe them. They only want to procreate with the same dad no matter how many children they have with others or despite them also being with other people. It is disturbing.

Red carpet

This A list rapper might have hit a red carpet with the alleged billionaire reality star, but he was hitting/smashing/hooking up with someone else a day prior.

Recent revelation

This recent revelation means that at least five celebrities have slept with two of the reality sisters and at least one has slept with three.

She exposed her DMs

This alliterate offspring of foreign born A listers who made their fame in different areas of the entertainment world, just got a tattoo of his insanely wealthy girlfriend. Apparently he is also one of the spotlighted people who messaged the foreign born 1.5 hit wonder.

If you believe they do, it is on you.

No matter how they spin it or who they spin it too, the reality family look awful, just like always. Everyone already knows that no one in the family actually donates anything they promise to do. If you believe they do, it is on you.