She is the reason it all went down.

So far this A- list reality star with a lucrative side gig has managed to keep her name out of the recent shooting, but she is the reason it all went down. Apparently a guy got handsy. The girlfriend of the guy didn't like it and the girlfriend got shot.

She doesn’t get to go to his place ever.

This A- list reality star with a lucrative side gig is desperate to be with the father to her child. He doesn't give her the time of day unless he can find literally no one else to sleep with that day. Then, and only then he might call her at 1am and not ask, but just say he is on his way over. She doesn't get to go to his place ever.

Look A Little Deeper

There was hugely publicized purchase as of late by the A- list reality star with a lucrative side gig. Not so fast. The listing agent is the wife of the developer. There were no other brokers involved. There has been no change of owner on the title and no, it is not because of reduced staffing levels.

The problem is, they no longer have integrity

In their effort to sell magazines and to get a new generation interested, they have totally separated their process from any normality. They will do anything to suck up to the family who they think can influence others to buy their magazine or readers for their site.

She was never a billionaire.

With the stock of this company cratering down to nearly $3 at its lowest during the sell off, the A- list reality star's side gig is looking a whole lot less lucrative. It isn't as if they gave her all cash.