2 blinds in a row

This former reality star turned B+ list sometime actress/sometime host, but always singer isn't ready to announce she has split with her husband after many years together, but they have. / One down and several sexual assault settlements to deal with for this one named former A list rapper/singer who now does the casino tour thing.

She pulled the plug on it.

Apparently this stay is going to be much longer than the previous one which is why the full court press on announcements and messages of support and narrative that it was triggered by family stuff rather than the truth.

Host doesn’t think her co-host of a new show is manly enough and wants to replace him

If you think the backstabbing is fierce on these network daytime shows, then you should check out this cable channel who does not usually air any daytime programming. This former reality star turned B+ list country singer turned reality star turned host doesn't think her co-host of a new show is manly enough and wants to replace him with her husband or some other guy who is similar. It is nonstop talking to producers about making a change.

She has been known to webcam with people and doesn’t seem to care how many people are watching.

Over the years there have been some narrow escapes, but our sex addict has never been publicly busted. She is a B list celebrity. She does a little bit of everything from reality to singing to more reality. She is extremely well liked and turned a tiny opportunity into a lifelong career. She has a significant other. He is aware of her addiction and is often the person who makes arrangements for her. This is one way she is protected.

She needs the money and the credit is tapped out

This C-List celebrity with A-list tabloid recognition, wants the world to think she's in very high demand, but the fact is, she's just hyping the scraps coming her way. Sure, her pilot was picked up, but she's getting paid peanuts, and it comes with a rigorous filming schedule. Something she's never had to do, and a work ethic isn't exactly her thing. Her rider has been rejected four times, and if she doesn't quit making diva demands, she will be replaced by this much more likeable C-list country singer.

Our celebrity dropped everything to help

Kindness: Some love for the military today in the blind item. This celebrity is B list. The fact that she has managed to stay B list shows how hard she is willing to work because she has not had monumental success. She started off as a reality star and is now a very solid B list singer with almost A list name recognition. Everywhere you look you are apt to see her as she tries to keep her name and face and other assets on display. Anyway, our celebrity is someone who is always there for the military. She will show up at welcome home parties and sing. She will show up at a VA hospital unannounced and make sure she sees every patient in the place.

She thinks they are both going to leave their spouses and be happy together

This married A list female country singer is having an affair with this married B+ list celebrity/reality show participant who has a ton of money. Literally probably a ton if you weighed it. She thinks they are both going to leave their spouses and be happy together. She might want to take a gander at the singer who is similar to her in history who got nothing for her efforts except a gig on a reality show he says he got her.