They have paps waiting to pay them money

With new music to promote and using the carrot of a possible pregnancy, this celebrity couple consisting of an actress and a singer have paps waiting to pay them money if they want to take a walk and be photographed, so they do it once a day now.

She is so desperate to make the story about herself that she doesn’t even care about the facts.

Does this foreign born A- list actress not realize that her brother-in-law and the owner of the wedding venue already told the actual story of how the wedding came to be at that location? What is this nonsense in interviews she is spewing about the brother-in-law coming up with the idea an hour before it happened. She is so desperate to make the story about herself that she doesn't even care about the facts.

That still won’t work.

This B-/C+ list actress used to be higher on the list. Then, several years ago she got into professional bearding. At one point she bearded for a former A+ list tweener who is now married. She has also bearded for athletes and others. Now, she is being asked by this foreign born A+/A list singer to not only beard, but to actually marry him so he can try and shake off all these rumors about himself. That still won't work.