The gated community will house top executives

The celebrity CEO is breaking ground on a massive gated community near the mineral he needs so desperately. The gated community will house top executives, because apparently there is a danger of kidnapping? For what though?

He just wants everything to be under his terms.

Pretty sure that loud noise you heard last night was the celebrity CEO and his Dr. Evil laugh. He will be back for more. He just wants everything to be under his terms. He knows the board will wait too long before implementing a poison pill.

The deal was the man would stay silent

The celebrity CEO made a deal well over a decade ago with the man with three letters in his first name and three letters in his last name. The deal was the man would stay silent about the inventor of this OG product so that way people would always speculate that it is the celebrity CEO.

3 blinds in a row

This A+ list mostly movie actor who has been linked to multiple women this past year, was present for the birth of his child three weeks ago, with a woman he has never been linked to. / The celebrity CEO is a criminal who made $150M+ and knows nothing will happen to him for his crime. Meanwhile, someone not rich, who steals $20 could do (not likely) up to a year in jail. / This actor/new dad got blackout drunk this past weekend. Apparently things are not better with him.

She needs a new sugar daddy

Reading between the lines from the latest manifesto from the flowering financial institution, it looks like she needs a new sugar daddy and would like him to be Russian. It also makes me wonder how she blew through the celebrity CEO's money so quickly.