Contrary to what it says in her book, this A/A- list actress does have a DNA match to her dad’s side of the family.

She just doesn’t want anyone to know who they are.

Kerry Washington

Thicker Than Water

In her memoir, “Thicker Than Water,” Kerry Washington reveals a surprising truth about her parentage.

The 46-year-old Scandal star learned that her father, Earl Washington, is not her biological father, a revelation that came to light as she prepared to appear on the PBS series “Finding Your Roots.”

Her parents, Valerie (a professor) and Earl (a real estate agent), who had kept this secret for decades, shared the information during a family sit-down in 2018, explaining that they had used an anonymous sperm donor due to fertility struggles.

Despite the shock, Washington approached the situation with calmness, asking questions and showing understanding towards her parents in this difficult moment.

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