Reader Blind

This A- or possibly B+ list former politician is rumored to be the real author of a cynical, brutally worded book that discusses his life in politics.

The book is in many ways unremarkable; he writes about the deeply incompetent and immoral nature of government in America.

Everyone and their grandmother knows that by now. What’s more remarkable is, first, how the author candidly admits that he was fully part of the problem, and second, the author’s attacks on the American people themselves, describing them as naïve, ignorant, self-absorbed, sheepish, unintelligent, apathetic, and too concerned with instant gratification to do what’s in their nation’s best interests.

The politician has denied authorship, but one of his staff members is on-record as saying the complaints in the book are identical to the complaints the staff member heard from the politician.

Making his denial even less believable, the politician is a published novelist and, in his post-governmental career, has become the owner of a bookstore.

Steve Israel

Former congressman opens bookshop on Long Island

OYSTER BAY, N.Y. – In the five years since Steve Israel retired from Congress, he’s had quite a few accomplishments. But what the Long Islander is most proud of is right in the heart of Oyster Bay — his brand-new store, Theodore’s Books, which opened in November.

“My dream was to open up a small bookstore because I believe in bookstores and I believe a community is not a community unless it has a bookstore,” Israel said. “People have said to me, ‘Are you out of your mind? It’s so hard to operate any small business, especially a bookstore, especially now.’ I’ve always believed the biggest risks are worth taking.”

The shop features all the genres you’d find in a typical bookstore but a big focus is on history and politics — Israel’s two favorite topics. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for sale here pay homage to his 16 years in the House of Representatives. – Source

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