The numbers bear out what I told you two weeks ago.

The publisher knew they weren’t going to get their advance money back on the book of the three named actress.

The actual sales numbers are even worse than they expected.

HarperCollins Publishers


Jada Pinkett Smith

Jada Pinkett Smith’s much-anticipated memoir, “Worthy,” seems to be taking a detour on the bestseller highway. Despite dishing out some jaw-dropping revelations in pre-launch interviews, the book isn’t exactly flying off the shelves.

On the grand stage of Amazon Books, where dreams of literary stardom are often realized, “Worthy” is playing it cool at a humble number 81 on the bestseller list. With a mere 114 ratings and 64 reviews, it’s safe to say the book is still warming up.

Even in the digital realm of Kindle, Worthy” missed its cue to join the top 100 and only managed to sell 2,700 copies by the end of last week.

Surprisingly, Jada finds herself outranked by the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose self-help book “Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life” is wielding its own success story. And let’s not forget Britney Spears, whose eagerly awaited “The Woman In Me” is stealing the spotlight.

Even John Stamos, the charming star of Full House, is flipping the script, with his memoir claiming the spotlight at number 36 on Barnes & Noble’s weekly bestseller list. Looks like Jada’s memoir is navigating through uncharted waters in the literary sea.

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