
Many years ago, we debated whether or not to publish a story about a young pop star smoking pot.

While that may sound silly now, back then he was a young kid with a squeaky-clean image.

We had the exclusive and the story was true, but we knew that by telling the truth we were going to face a lot of anger from fans and his team and his lawyers.

Fast forward a few years later… and there’s little reason for us to hold back on just how completely self-destructive he has become.

This comes from someone close to him:

He just doesn’t want to show up.

Whose going to make him?

They can’t drag his ass on stage and make him sing and dance.

He doesn’t want to rehearse, doesn’t want to do sound check, doesn’t want to do m&g.

Laziest little f*cker ever.

He’s surrounded by people who kiss his ass and tell him he’s the sh*t and can do whatever he wants.

You already know that he lips syncs, right?

He hates the fans (but will never say that in public).

Says they “turned on him.”

Yeah, he’s still doing drugs.

All he wants to do is party and f*ck.

He’s usually too f*cked up on drugs to care about anything except getting more drugs.

He’s done some serious sh*t that that didn’t make it into the news because it got covered up by his team.

[Example redacted].

He should probably be in jail.

Definitely needs to go to rehab but won’t.

It’s schizo because one minute he’s doing drugs and lying about it and the next minute he’s talking about going to church and leading a “pure” life. LOL.

That is one f*cked up pure life.

F*ck the fines.

He doesn’t care about them.

He still has plenty of money.

Somebody asked him if he has at least $50 million in the bank, and he laughed and said “At least,” so he’s obviously not worried.

He says that he’s over being a performing monkey and that he wants to be a movie star or start a church.

(I’m not saying that’s actually going to happen.

That’s just what he’s saying.)

If people get on his case too much about not fulfilling his “obligations,” he’ll make up some disease or injury or something so everybody will feel sorry for him.

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Justin Bieber


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