The celebrity CEO has a bot army that defends him whenever he is attacked online.

The funny part is replying to the bot with some off the wall reply that the AI system doesn’t understand, so they give you a nonsensical answer.

Elon Musk

What is Web3, is it the new phase of the Internet and why are Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey against it?

Put simply, Web3 is an umbrella term for an online ecosystem that cuts out the big middlemen on the Internet. So, platforms on Web3 are not owned by central gatekeepers and you wouldn’t navigate the Internet through search engines such as Google.

What’s so bad about Web 1.0 and Web 2.0?

The first version of the world wide web was launched by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. Back then, the few people who had the knowledge to could put information online in a decentralised way.

Web 2.0 came some 10 years later and started with the development of tools that were easy to use, allowing anyone to upload content online via the tech giants such as Google, Twitter and Facebook (now Meta).
But these free tools supplied by the tech companies, that allowed everyone to become publishers, was also harvesting our personal data to be used for tailored advertisements and marketing campaigns.

In theory, Web3 will be a combination of the two earlier versions of the Internet but will take the power away from the tech giants and corporations and put it back into the people’s hands.

And instead of exchanging our data to upload content online, users can become participants and shareholders by earning tokens on the blockchain system, which will allow you to have a say over a network.

This week, the former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey suggested that Web3 is under the control of the venture capital industry, particularly the firm Andreessen Horowitz, an early Facebook backer and a Web3 advocate.

“You don’t own Web3. The VCs and their LPs do. It will never escape their incentives. It’s ultimately a centralized entity with a different label,” the Square’s CEO tweeted.

On Thursday, Dorsey tweeted in response that he had been blocked on Twitter by Marc Andreessen, co-founder of Andreessen Horowitz.

Meanwhile, Tesla chief Elon Musk says Web3 is more of a “marketing buzzword” than reality.

“I’m not suggesting web3 is real – seems more marketing buzzword than reality right now – just wondering what the future will be like in 10, 20 or 30 years. 2051 sounds crazy futuristic,” he wrote on Twitter.

Musk also asked where it was, to the annoyance of Web3 devotees. – Source

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