She can kiss all that network money away if she gets involved.

The one named rapper who is doing the crazy investment scheme to build towns and what not with the rapist party attending/Ponzi scheme supporting Presidential candidate has snared this A list offspring actress of a permanent A+ list singer as an investor. She can kiss all that network money away if she gets involved.

Don’t believe the hype series…

Don't believe the hype. The foreign born A list singer who used to be a boy bander is not dating the A list network television actress. / Don't believe the hype. This A- list mostly television actress who hit that peak a couple of times is still in constant contact with not only her on again off again ex, but also one of his family members. / Don't believe the hype. It was not the actress turned candle maker/snake oil salesperson who is Becky, it has always been and will always be our favorite foreign born B+ list actress/singer.

4 blinds

This A list mostly movie actor is probably not expecting the lawsuit headed his way. This permanent A list singer who is also a permanent A list actress was talking to a couple who had given up their baby for adoption. That married disgraced producer is spending a great deal of money to make sure he has nightly female companionship.

Every meal in public involves him running through lines and making sure people notice.

I can’t figure out if he is taking public digs at his wife or just wants people to know he is employed as an actor, but this B- list actor who is from an acting family and is less successful than a sibling and a parent always takes script pages and runs through them with his celebrity wife while out in public. Every meal in public involves him running through lines and making sure people notice.