I guess everyone forget he already tested positive

This foreign born A- list dual threat actor has been asked to get a vaccine shot first in his country. He led the way overseas much like the A+ lust actor did here. I guess everyone forget he already tested "positive," so why would he need the vaccine?

She wants her new song to be the We Are The World moment of this crisis

This B/B- list actress singer, who no one normally pays all that much attention to is in the spotlight and is being asked to do her part to support her A+ list actor husband as savior of the world. She wants her new song to be the We Are The World moment of this crisis and programming directors are being told to play it even though she has never really had any luck with radio airplay ever.

He made it real

Doesn't it seem anyone else as odd that from the start, the public face of this disease was this permanent A+ list mostly movie actor. That he made it real and what was coming, palatable to the masses. Then, almost immediately thereafter you had this foreign born A list dual threat actor to reinforce that behavior.

2 blinds in a row

This permanent A+ list mostly movie actor with multiple Academy Award wins/nominations is married, but spent some time last weekend with a 20 something year old he met while his wife was working. / The return last night would never have been possible during the reign of this actress/writer/producer who starred on the same show forever. She made/makes you choose sides as to whether you were against the actor or with the actor. If you were/are with him, you were/are shunned by her.

There are plenty of women who are whispering to reporters about you right now.

Don't worry Mr. permanent A list mostly movie actor with the multiple Oscar wins/nominations who is beloved in the world. There are plenty of women who are whispering to reporters about you right now. Your turn is coming. That mostly television actress who has done hits on pay cable and network television with the alliteration in her name especially has a lot to say.

It looks like there’s not going to be some big fat wedding to look forward to

This show biz family is trying to play it like their son’s illegitimate child is a welcome addition. However, nobody seems to be able to keep their stories straight! The son initially admitted that it was a drug-fueled one-night stand. Publicists later coached sites to call the baby the product of a “long-term relationship.” They’re just “no longer together.” Right. Either way, it looks like there’s not going to be some big fat wedding to look forward to.