From now on he will only date women of other races

This A list mostly movie actor who used to be A+ and the biggest star on the planet says from now on he will only date women of other races. I'm pretty sure he is still willing to date guys from his own race though. Oh, and let them live on the first floor. Behind the door he likes to call his "study."

Maybe you need a drink.

This C-list foreign born actress who should be higher because she's on a very popular show, keeps a pretty low profile, and is probably on the C-list by choice rather than circumstance. She was recruited by this A-list mostly movie actor's people to be his new love interest, but she politely declined because that whole scene seems so weird to her. She's also rather happy with her current C-list actor boyfriend. Well, this former B-list reality star, now C-list celebrity now consisting of horrible singing and acting, recently went after the actress at a fashion gala after party. Like, claws out, ready for a catfight going to rip this woman's eyes out because she thought she was going after 'her' man.

I was expected to leave and go back to my room

"He would have me wait in my room and then call me to dinner which was always served to us. I wasn't allowed out of my room during the 30 minutes before food was served. After dinner he would send me back to my room or to check on _________. Thirty minutes later I would be summoned and would sit next to him as he made us watch movie after movie and he would tell me why it was good or bad and what I should do and what movie I should do. After they were finished he would tell me goodnight and I was expected to leave and go back to my room." Former B list mostly movie actress who is now a C+ with A list name recognition in a upcoming interview to be published next month.

Thankfully, he was wearing pants

Surprise, surprise! A leading man dropped in unannounced to an acting school’s commencement ceremony. He spouted wisdom from on high about everything from making friends on set to taking risks to landing a part in a speech that left grads gushing that he was "inspiring." Sounds divine. Thankfully, he was wearing pants.

He can’t stand gay people

This A+ list mostly movie actor, who is probably the definition of a movie star, was at an event last week. It was at a hotel and there was a LGBT convention or gathering going on.