She decided to hire the same bot farm

It might be too late, but the A- list singer/bad actress decided to hire the same bot farm as the directionally challenged rapper to make her song hit the top of the charts. This doesn't even include the six figures she dropped purchasing her latest effort to achieve the same goal.

Last time, she overdosed.

No matter how much she deflects, this A- list singer/bad actress who started out as a tweener, it doesn't change the fact she is still using again. Last time, she overdosed. She needs someone with her 24/7.

Besides being messed up last night, she didn’t have her ghost singer helping her out like she does on every last record she has ever made.

The PR team for this A- list singer/bad actress is spinning like crazy that this was a flare up of her disease that caused last night's disaster. So, with that disease, are you allowed to smoke? No, but she chain smokes. Are you allowed to booze it up? No, but she does. Are you allowed to take drugs? No, but out singer/bad actress does. Besides being messed up last night, she didn't have her ghost singer helping her out like she does on every last record she has ever made.

3 blinds in a row

This foreign born former A+ list tweener turned A- list adult singer is hooking up once again with a look a like to his ex. / A divorce in name only. / It is not a good look for this A+ list mostly movie actor to blame everyone else for going cheap on making products, when he was involved in every step.