He has someone else he wants to give that thrice gifted car too.

You could see the writing on the wall when I used this space several months ago to talk about the former sugarbaby from Utah turned bar star and her puzzlement as to why she and her boyfriend could not have a quickie wedding. Yes, the grand nuptials would have to be delayed because of COVID, but she wanted to do the quickie thing and he said no. He has someone else he wants to give that thrice gifted car too.

2 blinds in a row

This A list producer who backs down like a baby when confronted by anyone he can't bully bailed on seeing his kids on Father's Day. / Considering how often this A- list actress takes breaks from her actor boyfriend, I'm guessing the pregnancy thing happened during makeup se-x.

2 blinds in a row

This A list director had his significant other with him at one point on his trip outside the country. She was nowhere though when he hooked up with a waitress in a back room at a bar during the middle of the afternoon. / The main reason the serial cheating producer doesn't want to appear on the bar reality show is because of all the other women that would also come forward saying they hooked up with him.

Wouldn’t discuss on the show

So, it turns out the married producer that the former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned es-cort/reality star was hooking up with during the reality show she filmed several years ago and wouldn't discuss on the show is the one who has been in the news as of late with his more recent reality star girlfriend. The only question is whether the vehicle from before was given to the es-cort or if it was another mistress.

I bet he figures it out before the wedding.

If only he could have listened to her (B+ list reality star on a show you all love) calling him an old sweaty fat f**k to her friends. She told those same friends she was going to dump him if he didn't propose soon because he wasn't paying her bills any longer. I bet he figures it out before the wedding.