The aliens app

I'm assuming the A- list singer in a family filed with singers will use her latest story about being pursued by aliens (she was probably wasted) to also shill for the conversing with the aliens app.

Not by choice.

Where do you suppose the celebrity sibling is getting the $10K per month to pay publicists to get in monthly magazines and tabloids and be put front and center? She is getting it from her much more famous and talented sibling, but not by choice.

She has given up on the idea of a reality show.

This flash in the pan celebrity who was caught up in a blink and you missed it love triangle with higher on the list celebrities, likes to make it seem as if she is living a jet set life on her own dime instead of the guys she is sleeping with who are footing the bill. Apparently she has given up on the idea of a reality show.

It has happened a half dozen times in the past month or two.

If you are a well known celebrity/singer/actress and post on social media about freeing the permanent A list "singer" you will get a call from your agent/manager to delete the post because they have received a call pressuring them. It has happened a half dozen times in the past month or two.

The ex wouldn’t fall for the trap.

Showing just how thirsty this former A+ list tweener turned A-/B+ list adult is, she wanted to arrange a confrontation with her ex and with her current "boyfriend," and document it on social media. The ex wouldn't fall for the trap though.

The ex wouldn’t fall for the trap.

Showing just how thirsty this former A+ list tweener turned A-/B+ list adult is, she wanted to arrange a confrontation with her ex and with her current "boyfriend," and document it on social media. The ex wouldn't fall for the trap though.

Her last shot at fame went horribly wrong.

This C- list celebrity thinks the time is right to do a reality show with her B+ list celebrity ex with the famous last name. The C- lister needs it because her income is zero and she doesn't like yachting with random guys. Her last shot at fame went horribly wrong. She is trying to woo the ex while out of the country, but no one really cares about either of them, so a show is not going to happen.

The offspring was not nice.

This A/A list celebrity offspring/singer/actress disrespected a female stri-pper she hired by assuming the stri-pper would want to have se-x with the offspring because the offspring is famous. When the stri-pper didn't, the offspring was not nice.

Really? That is where you want to go with this?

I read your recent social media post where you ranted and roared about the horrors of gossip and how they are the plague of journalism. Really? That is where you want to go with this? The same person who was a complete unknown again until a couple of months ago when your PR team started a campaign to get you in the tabloids with that fake relationship of yours. Day after day the tabloids were inundated with pitches. Day after day, you and your fake girlfriend posted photos of yourselves would be picked up by tabloids. Now gossip is bad? You didn't think so when you were using it to your advantage.