The pint sized rapper is broke.

Speaking of female rappers, I have told and pleaded and begged this pint sized rapper to go on tour. I have told her multiple times in person to do it and even offered to organize the whole tour. She refused each entreaty because she refuses to play smaller venues and thinks she can sell out arenas.

To earn extra money.

This pint sized rapper who used to be A list back in the day and has gone through a dozen body transformations is taking up po-rn to earn extra money.

2 blinds in a row

It must be former A list teen mostly movie actor day today. While out raising money, the actor will probably want to try and avoid getting busted doing coke again like last year. Always makes producers nervous to give their money to a guy who loves doing coke. / Last year I wrote about this pint sized former A list rapper who is in desperate need of money. She couldn't bring herself to play smaller venues to earn money but she has no problems wastefully spending loans and money she was given by other rappers and producers.

She is neither.

This married permanent A+ list rapper could have helped this female former A list rapper out of her financial troubles, but he only helps people he is interested in sleeping with or can make a ton of money with. She is neither.

He has survived two attempts on his life in the past four months

In the wake of the blind item I had last week about the killings I got several tips about the one person everyone has expected to be killed for the past three years but somehow is still living. Although he was never an A list celebrity this guy was probably B- and for those of you who read celebrity blogs rather than just the weekly tabloids most of you know who he is. The tabloid only readers? They won't have a clue who the guy is because none of them want to talk about what he has done and they definitely don't want to cross you know who or she will keep posting photos to social media and never come back to the tabloids. Our celebrity has slept with what seems like almost every female recording artist.