The model is bored.

Source: The model is bored. She wants to date someone who doesn’t require an hour of manual stimulation just to maybe get hard for five seconds and then be blamed for [read more]

You can be the creepiest of creeps when it comes to women and you will not get booted.

An actor all of you know is spilling about his time with his clique that has pushed him out because of his sexuality. Once you are in this little clique, you usually are in for life. This little acting circle gets you lots and lots of work. You have to bow down to the A+ list actor in charge of it all, and drop everything when he tells you to drop it, but you will get a lot of easy high paid work.

Nothing like sports and celebrities.

This permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner was the king of coke this past weekend while partying in a club where they didn't stop any patrons from doing line after line. It was one of the craziest parties I have heard about in quite some time. Nothing like sports and celebrities.

Actor shrugged his shoulders and walked away.

Oh, I guess she is a C+ list celebrity offspring if you live in the city where she lives. Her parental units are much higher on the list, but not in entertainment per se. Sort of. Anyway, she hit on this A+ list mostly movie actor hard but he turned her down. She then said I guess all those rumors about you are true and the actor shrugged his shoulders and walked away.

Actor has made a decision to work less and doesn’t appear to be regretting it

I’m not saying this A lister is taking the Cameron Diaz route and pulling the shutter down on his superstar acting career, but would I be surprised if he retired and went to live on a private island somewhere? Not at this point. He was once a prolific actor, mixing the commercial with the artistic, but he’s scaled back working in recent years and has very little planned for the future.