He was high as a kite at the premiere of his latest project

The foreign born A- list dual threat actor that I want to play the next James Bond was high as a kite at the premiere of his latest project. Apparently he took a taxi to the event and when he emerged from the cab, it was pretty evident both he and the driver had a glorious ride over.

Girlfriend is cheated on all the time.

This foreign born A- list dual threat actor who I think should be the next Bond says he has a girlfriend. That girlfriend is cheated on all the time. Seriously. Granted, they split up frequently too so you never know when they are taking a break but he had sex with two women at once in his dressing room at a club in LA this weekend.

Lots of sparks.

The first few days of filming have been intense. This married, foreign born mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and her foreign born A- list dual threat actor have been very touchy feely. He is always up for fun, whether he has a girlfriend or not and she doesn’t seem to be holding back either. Lots of sparks.