The request was denied.

This A list comedian was brought up by defense attorneys as possibly tainting the jury pool with his sketch about a C list actor during a court hearing yesterday. They want to be able to question potential jurors instead of the judge. The request was denied.

He could barely form any kind of coherent sentences

I think everyone was afraid this permanent A list comedian was going to overdose last night or hear that he was found dead this morning. He was popping oxy like candy. He could barely form any kind of coherent sentences and just drank gallons of water and popped the pills.

6 blinds from Oscars

She does not let go in public very much at all./ He didn't even go into one after party / He was nice enough to share though with not only his girlfriend, but anyone who asked. / Wrote a check for $2500 to a student filmmaker /He isn't ready to go public. / There she was again last night, completely alone. She insists that everything is fine, but it isn't.

He just wanted to change the room

Two weeks ago this former A+ list comedian, who is still A list caused a small fire in his very expensive hotel room while he was freebasing. OK, not that small of a fire, but he put it out himself. He then asked the hotel staff to put him in a different room because his smelled bad. He didn't even mention the fire even though it had set off the suppression system in his room. He just wanted to change. They let him.